The War on Peace

The War on Peace write upbeat music that perfectly accompanies warm summer nights. Their crunchy, synth-stuffed tunes are catchy, upbeat and melodic; an ideal companion for blaring out open car windows with friends in tow. 

Watch and listen to the full session here on Audiotree Live. 

Session Tracklist

1. Waves
2. I Don't Know, I Don't Know
3. The Chosen
4. East & West
5. You're the Only One
6. You Can't Go Back There Anymore

Band Members
Grahm Bailey - Keys, Synth, and Vocals
Steven Burkholder - Vocals and Guitar
Jeremy Schering - Bass, Synth, and Vocals
Nelson Wilder - Drums

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.