Pkew Pkew Pkew

Pkew Pkew Pkew (or Pkewx3) is a no frills punk rock band whose discography boasts a collection of beer-chugging anthems. These hard-hitting rock tunes are delivered in bursts as short as 56 seconds, with a light sense of humor guiding the band's often self-deprecating lyrics. Each song is so quick and connected that Pkewx3 had time to chug through the entirety of their self-titled release in the studio. Check out the performance by Pkew Pkew Pkew on Audiotree Live.

Session Tracklist
1. Blood Clot
2. Asshole Pandemic
3. Prequel To "Asshole Pandemic"
4. Mid-20's Skateboarder
5. Hangin' Out
6. The Prime Minister of Defense
7. Glory Days
8. Let's Order A Pizza
9. Before We Go Out Drinking
10. Stop Calling Us, Chief
11. Kathie Lee & Hoda

Band Members
Mike Warne – Guitar and Vocals
Ryan McKinley – Guitar and Vocals
Emmett O’Reilly – Bass Guitar and Vocals
David Laino – Drums

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.