
Benjamin Laub or “Grieves,” has created turbulent waves across the nation with his sophisticated, dense lyrical style emphasized by a charismatic voice. A wide spectrum of influences along with an urgent drive has earned him respect from critics and hip hop artists, including Atmosphere’s Sean “Slug Daley”. Rather than using samples, Grieves highlights the personality and honesty on every track with guitars, keys and vocal harmonies.

Kidding Me’s alluring guitar duets and heartfelt, intense vocals set it up as the stand out track of the performance. Grieves is currently in the process of mixing a new record alongside B. Lewis and plans to tour endlessly, sharing his music and bright personality with anyone who has ears to hear. Ben admires bears and demands they get more recognition in the hip hop world; but despite his request, remained Wolfless in Chicago.

Session Tracklist
1. Bloody Poetry
2. Lightspeed
3. Shreds
4. Kidding Me

Band Members

Benjamin Laub – Grieves
Connr – Guitar and Back-up Vocals
Jake – Keys, Piano and Guitar

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.
